分钟: Graduate 委员会 – September 25, 2000 ‑ 1:15 p.m.田纳西州东部 房间

出席者: Alavi, Antkiewicz, 棕色(的), Caton, Champney, Ellis, Honaker, Hoover, Kasmai, 林达尔,派克,菲佛,舒尔曼  

缺席: Green, Herrin, Osborn, Norris, Smith, Taylor, Woodruff 

客人: Sluss,科茨


I.  6月19日会议纪要  2000 理事会会议 

行动 立法会通过:            批准


II.  研究生院任命-博士. 本·卡顿,发言人

 A.   申请新职位:

 1.  Armstrong, Stephen, PhD, Assistant Professor in Pathology,  推荐为助理.
 2.  卡尔霍恩,拉里,药学博士, 成人护理助理教授,  推荐 为关联.
 3.  哈姆,丹尼斯,DMN, Instructor in Criminology, 推荐 for 临时.
 4.  帕尔默,桑德拉,博士, 外国语学院助理教授  推荐为助理.
 5.  菲利普斯,劳雷尔博士, Assistant Professor in 人类发展 and Learning, 推荐 for 联系
 6.  Poole, Deborah, PhD, 成人护理助理教授,  推荐为助理.
 7.  Raulston, Jane, PhD, 联系 Professor in Pathology/Microbiology, 推荐为助理
 8.  Simon, Leonore博士, 联系 Professor in Criminology, 推荐  为关联.
 9.  Wyrick, Priscilla博士, Professor in Microbiology, 建议全.
10. Wetzel, Paul, PhD, Adjunct in Biological Sciences, 推荐 for 临时.

             行动 立法会通过:            批准

B.  再次委任申请人:

1.  Anderson, Mary, PhD, Assistant Professor in Family/Community Nursing,  联系 过期001,推荐为助理.
2.  莱杰,罗伯特,博士,教授 社会学学士学位,已过期001年;  推荐 为关联.
3.  麦克雷,诺玛,埃德,教授 人类发展与学习,全文
4.  Marx, David, PhD, Professor in Psychology, 联系 expired 001,  推荐为助理.
5.  Marks, Lori,博士,助理 Professor in 人类发展 and Learning, 联系 expired 002, 建议全.
6.  马丁·奥尔森医学博士,助理 妇产科教授,  联系 过期001,推荐为助理.
7.  Oppewal, Sonda,博士,助理 Professor in Family/Community Nursing, 联系 expired 001, 推荐 for 联系.
8.  奎伦,斯蒂芬妮博士, 联系 Professor in Family/Community Nursing, 联系 expired 001, 推荐为助理.
9. Reesman, Karen, PhD, Assistant Professor in Family/Community Nursing, 临时 过期001,推荐为助理.
10. Rusinol, Antonio, PhD, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry, 联系 过期001,推荐为助理.

            行动 立法会通过:            批准


C.  不需要采取行动的候选人:
1.  谢莉,加里,博士.、临时 经济学讲师,获批准  迪安·布朗的《十大博彩公司》,9-7-00.

D.  Candidates needing "temporary" 来自迪恩·布朗:
1.  库克,特蕾西,缅因州,临时入住 人类发展 and Learning, needs  "temporary” appointment 来自迪恩·布朗.


3.  课程建议小组-博士. 李·派克发言人
A.     大学 的教育

1.       人类发展 & 学习-幼儿期:PreK-4 -初始牌照

                        理事会采取的行动:            经轻微修改后批准.

多萝西Sluss presented the proposed curriculum changes in the Early Childhood Education M.Ed. Teaching Concentration that leads to PreK-4 licensure. 这些变化响应于 州的许可证变更. 的 graduate council approved the Form C for a substantial revision of the curriculum, four new courses listed below, and editorial (non-substantial) changes involving in varying combinations of numbers, titles, and descriptions for eleven courses to be moved to editorial 改变形式.

A.  新课程:  电子商务数学方法(3)
                                SCED 5527 EC的科学方法(3)
cuai5537 EC集成现场Exp (1)
新兴读写能力:PreK-4 (3)

B.  Editorial Changes to Numbers, Titles, Descriptions: HDAL 5617 to 5690 (requires number change or deletion of corresponding UG course through UG Curriculum Committee), 5317 to 5336 (requires number change or deletion of corresponding UG course through UG Curriculum Committee), 5590, 5344, 5356, 5335, 5334, 5332, 5217, 5220, 5333.

理事会采取的行动:            批准 with corrections and insertion of the Library Adequacy Report.  Must submit dual listed 4XX7 undergraduate courses to the 本科 课程行动委员会.

2.      Physical Education and Sports Science - Four new dual-listed courses are 建议作为   一部分的新 体育本科 & 休闲管理.

A.  新课程:   SALM  5107   高山塔领导
           SALM  5117   户外 领导
SALM  5127   落基山监督
SALM  5137   WEA管理计划

B.     Twelve Editorial Course Changes – Prefixes and Numbers:

pex 5037            to            SALM  5140
pex 5210            to            SALM 5210
pex 5211            to            SALM 5211
pex 5212            to            SALM 5212
pex 5020            to            SALM 5215
pex 5200            to            SALM  5220
pex 5220            to            SALM  5250
pex 5027            to            SALM  5225
pex 5330            to            SALM  5230
pex 5377            to            SALM  5235
pex 5340            to            SALM  5240
pex 5530            to            SALM  5245

                        理事会采取的行动:            经过少量修改后获得批准.  本科
                        4xx7 courses will be referred to the 本科 Curriculum Committee   采取行动.


C.      大学 of Business – Department of Economics & 金融 -新课程- FNCE 4597/5597  国际 Financial Management – Course will permit MBA students to take 国际 财务管理为选修课. 

 行动 立法会通过:            批准 稍加修改.  要求 to submit dual listed FNCE 4597 undergraduate course to the 本科 课程行动委员会.

IV.              旧的业务

 A.      研究生院的地位 〇名誉教授  修改后的 Guidelines for Graduate 教师 Appointment were submitted to 委员会 members to review with new wording on how to evaluate and review emeritus 教师, retired 教师, and 教师 in post-退休 for their appointments to graduate 教师.  原动议被搁置 at the May 8, 2000 with a request that the Graduate School research this item and provide additional information and at the next meeting.  的 following recommendations were made from the School of Graduate 待批准的研究:

 1.      删除短语 或者退休 教员 从临时政策描述.

2.      将第三部分的案文订正如下:

 Faculty in post-退休, retired, and emeritus status retain the level of graduate 教师 appointment in effect at the time of 退休.  的期限 appointment expires, these categories of 教师 are eligible to reapply for appointment to the graduate 教师 based on the procedures and guidelines 载明保险.

            行动 立法会通过:            经批准并提交给学术部门 委员会 采取行动.

 B.     Graduate Nondegree Admission – 的 policy on graduate nondegree admission, as written, cannot be enforced because ETSU cannot withhold the 授予毕业生学分.”  扣缴 the ETSU transcript is the Graduate School’s only leverage for assuring that nondegree students comply with the SACS requirement that students must have a 学士学位.  的 推荐 revision to the policy would read:

 的se students are expected to have, at a minimum, a 学士学位 from an accredited institution and must submit an official transcript(s) showing proof of degree prior to the end of the first term of 招生.  如有官方证明 degree is not submitted prior to the end of the first term of 招生, the ETSU graduate transcript showing credit earned in nondegree status will not be 发布.


            行动 立法会通过:            经批准并提交给学术部门 委员会 采取行动.


V.  新业务

1.      选举的  新任研究生委员会主席  Dr. Champney was reelected as Chair of the Graduate 委员会 for FY 2000/2001.  Dr. 布朗表达了他的 感谢博士. Champney on the excellent work he does for the university in 这种能力.  他保证继续 support from the School of Graduate Studies and the 委员会 membership.

2.  Editorial Course Description Changes for 2001/2001 Catalogs - Steve Honaker                      distributed editorial credit hour change for ALNU/PMNU/FCNU 5960 approved 博士.      棕色(的) 8月22日供理事会参考.

2.      Dr. 棕色(的) advised 委员会 members that there would be some curriculum preparation workshops being offer jointly with the 本科 Curriculum 本学期委员会.

3.      的 next meeting of the council will be October 30, 2000 at 1:15 p.m. in 东 田纳西州的房间.

