MINUTES: Graduate Council – November 25, 2002, 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room – DP Culp

ATTENDEES: Barrett, Pointer, Taylor, Champney, Hoover, Smith, Scheuerman, Osborn, Ellis, Bitter, Pike, Dixon, Caton, Brown, Greer


ABSENT: Whitson, Norris-Thompson, Ziegler, Herrin, Antkiewicz, Woodruff


GUEST:  Elhindi, Maier, Marrs, Rayman, Hayes, Harrington

I.  Approval of MinutesOctober 28, 2002


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


II. Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee – Pat Smith, Chair


A. New Appointments:


1.    Dr. Jo Ann Marrs – Professional Roles/ Mental Health Nursing

Recommend – Associate Membership

2.    Dr. Craig Turner  Management & Marketing

            Recommend – Associate Membership


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


B. Re-Appointments:


1.    Dr. Anthony Cavender – Sociology & Anthropology

            Full Membership Expired -  Fall 02

            Recommend – Full Membership

2.    Dr. Wendell Hester – Sociology & Anthropology

            Full Membership Expired - Fall 02

            Recommend – Associate Membership

3.    Dr. Michael Pinner - Continuing Education

Interim Membership Expired – Fall 02

Recommend – Interim Membership

4.    Dr. Marie Tedesco – Division of Cross Disciplinary Studies

            Full Membership Expired – Fall 02

            Recommend – Full Membership


Action taken by Council:  Approved.


III.  Curriculum Sub-Committee – Lee Pike, Chair


A. College of Arts & Sciences


1.     Department of Communication, new course:


a. MCOM 5070 Seminar in History of Mass Communication


                  Action Taken by Council:  Approved.



2.    Department of Foreign Languages, new course:


a. FREN 4017/5017 Advanced French Grammar

                  Action Taken by Council:  Deferred.


3.    Department of English, 3 new courses:

a.        ENGL 5160 Second Language Acquisition

b.        ENGL 5170 Teaching English as a Second Language

c.        ENGL 5180 Internship in Teaching English as a Second




Action Taken by Council:  Approved with three                 

                          dissenting votes.


4.    Department of Biological Sciences – new course:

a. BIOL 5910 Research in Biology


                  Action Taken by Council:  Approved.



B. College of Public & Allied Health


1.  Department of Environmental Health, 1 course modification:

a. ENVH 4727/5727 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency


                  Action Taken by Council:  Approved.



C. College of Nursing


1.        Department of Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing, One  

    course modification:

a.    PMNU 5002 Health Care Delivery Systems


Action Taken by Council:  Approved.


2.  Department of Professional Roles/Mental Health Nursing, New


a.        PMNU 6100 Philosophy of Nursing Science


Action Taken by Council:  Approved.


IV.   Old Business


1. Editorial Changes – Jeff Greer distributed editorial changes

   to be included in the 2003-3004 catalogs as an information item.


2. International Students – IELTS Issues – Wes Brown & Dr. Elhindi


At the request of the Council at the October 28th Council meeting for additional information on TOEFL score data and diversity issues if the TOEFL score for admission of international students was increased, Dr. Brown explained that increasing the TOEFL score from 213 to 230 for admission would eliminate one-half of the international students from graduate school.  He further stated that there were some differences in the distribution between paper test scores and computer test scores. 


      Action taken by Council:  Approved with no change in TOEFL scores required by Graduate School.  If the IELTS score is taken, a minimum score of 6.5 will be required for Graduate School admission.


V.   New Business


1.        GRE Scores – Dr. Brown reviewed the new method of recording GRE scores on SIS with Council members.  He suggested that coordinators look at screens 210 and 211 to see how scores are reported.  Screen 210 shows scores with and without Analytical portion.  If you look at screen 221 it shows the GREWA score. He also informed Council members that at some point in the near future ETS would eliminate the paper test copies sent to institutions and only send scores electronically.  Currently, ETSU receives both the paper and electronic version of GRE scores for students.


2.        Petition for Second Master’s Degree – Dr. Brown distributed copies of the new form for Petitioning a Second Master’s Degree

emphasizing that this new form seeks to insure that graduate students meet the requirements for a second master’s degree.



VI.   Adjournment


The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 p.m.








Scott Champney, Chair