MINUTES: Graduate Council – October 27, 2003, 1:15 p.m., East Tennessee Room – DP Culp

ATTENDEES: Barrett, 泰勒, Champney, 胡佛, Scheuerman, 埃利斯, 苦, 派克, 迪克森, 棕色(的), Herrin, 马斯, 指针, 特斯科, 惠特森


缺席:金伯利 Norris-Thompson, Musick, Greer


客人:穆尼, Trogen

I.  Approval of Minutes – September 29, 2003


行动 taken by Council:  批准.


II. Curriculum Sub-Committee – Lee 派克, 椅子


A. College of Business and Technology


1.     部门 of Economics, Finance, and Urban Studies, change in 信贷 hours in two 课程:


a.        PMGT 5800 Public Management Internship – Change from 6 信贷 hours to 3 信贷 小时).

b.        PMGT 5820 – Public Management Consultantship – Change from 6 信贷 hours to 3 学分).


行动 Taken by Council:  批准 with minor 变化.



3.  Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee – Pat Smith, 椅子


A.  New Appointments:


1.        简 布罗德里克

推荐- - - - - - 临时 会员

2.        布鲁斯 道尔顿

推荐- - - - - - Full 会员

3.        凯利 Dorgan,

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员

4.        帕特丽夏 貂                           

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员

5.        珍妮特 尼尔         

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员


  行动 Taken by Council:  批准


B.  连任:


1.        塔米 戴维森 

联系 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员


2.        Karilee Freeberg

    联系 会员 过期的

    推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员

3.        塔米 海斯

临时 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - 临时 会员


4.        伊丽莎白 劳

          临时 会员 过期的

    推荐- - - - - - 临时 会员


5.        戴安娜Mozen

联系 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员


6.        瑞克 诺伍德

Full 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - Full 会员


7.        梅尔文 页面

Full 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - Full 会员


8.        玛莎 指针

Full 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - Full 会员


9.        戴尔 施密特

联系 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员


10.    乔恩•史密斯

联系 会员 过期的

推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员


11.    道格拉斯的wke

    联系 会员 过期的

    推荐- - - - - - 联系 会员


12.    约翰·怀特海德

          Full 会员 过期的

          推荐- - - - - - Full 会员


13.    拉姆齐麦金尼

    联系 会员 过期的

    推荐- - - - - - Full 会员


                  行动 Taken by Council:  批准.            




C.        Graduate Faculty Appointment/Re-Appointment Guidelines – Wally 迪克森, 椅子


Dr. 迪克森 brought up issues regarding Graduate Faculty Guidelines, specifically appointment terms and application process.  After lengthy discussion, Dr. 迪克森 informed the group that the Graduate Faculty Sub-Committee would meet and work on new policy/procedures explaining the process and defining the differences in membership classification to include areas such as scholarship, productivity, level of service and research, and graduate involvement.  这 will be discussed at the next Graduate Council 会议.


IV.  旧的业务


A.        有条件的 入学 Policy – 的 following was recommended to replace the current conditional admission policy:


这 category of admission is designed for applicants who are in the process of completing prerequisite 课程 or degrees or whose credentials (such as GPA, letters of recommendation, background in the discipline, or interview) are less 有竞争力的.  有条件的 admission may not be granted when significant admission criteria (such as GRE, GMAT, letters of recommendation, or in the case of international students, proof of an undergraduate degree) are missing.


条件 will be outlined the admission letter and must

被删除 by the date specified.  If no date is specified, conditions must be removed prior to the completion of 15 graduate 信贷 hours or one calendar year, whichever is later.  的 student must then submit a request for unconditional 状态.  的 Dean of the School of Graduate Studies will approve or deny the request upon recommendation from the degree 程序 coordinator or 程序 admissions committee.  After completion of 15 graduate 信贷s or after one calendar year, whichever is later, a student with conditional admission 状态 will not be allowed to register as a degree-seeking student and cannot be admitted to candidacy.  Failure to meet conditions of admission will result in 解雇.


入学 cannot be granted to international students without proof of degree.


行动 Taken by Council:  批准 and forwarded to Academic Council for approval.


B.        转移 of Credit Policy – 的 following was recommended to

修改 current 转移 of Credit Policy:


学生 may petition for the 转移 of a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate 信贷 from ETSU or other regionally ac信贷ed U.S. and 批准 non-U.S. institutions, if grades of “B” (or equivalent or higher were received (“B-“ grades do not 转移.)  学生 may be required to submit documentation as to course content and duration of course prior to 转移 信贷 being 批准.  ETSU coursework solely is used to compute the grade point average; non-ETSU 转移 work is not computed in the GPA.


所有 non-ETSU 转移 信贷 must be posted to the transcript prior to the term of 毕业.  转移 of 信贷 is not allowed in the 毕业 term.


的程度 程序 time limit (matriculation limit) will begin with the registration date of the first course applied to the degree requirements, including 转移red 课程.  Credit earned prior to the degree time limitations specified in this catalog will not be 批准 for 转移 and cannot be revalidated for 转移.


学生 cannot 转移 信贷s from a completed degree 程序 into a current degree 程序.  Extension or continuing education hours will not be 转移red for 信贷.  In general, 信贷 earned at international institutions cannot be 转移red, and petitions to 转移 international 信贷 are reviewed only if accompanied by a professional course-by-course evaluation.


行动 Taken by Council:  批准 and forwarded to Academic Council for approval.


V.  新业务


A.    P.E.O. Scholarship – Roberta Herrin


      Dr. Herrin announced that a local chapter of P.E.O. 已分配的

      $8,000 for a female ETSU graduate student for academically gifted

女性.  She stated that she would send them additional information on this scholarship and to submit nominations to her at the Graduate School.


V.   休会


的 会议 was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.







斯科特 Champney,椅子