分钟: Graduate Council – February 28, 2005, 1:15 p.m., President’s Conference Room, Dossett大厅

出席者: Barrett, Stanley, Champney, Pointer, Hoover, Musick, Tedesco, Scheuerman, Taylor, McIntosh, Powers-Beck, Whitson


ABSENT: Brown, Ellis, Clay, Halverson, Howard, Dixon, Woodruff

GUESTS: Lloyd, Dalton, Van Etteger


I.  通过会议记录 - 2005年1月31日


行动 立法会通过:      批准.



II. Curriculum Sub-Committee – Martha Pointer, 椅子


A.        大学 文理学院

1.    新浓度 〇数学科学

A proposed master’s degree concentration in Precollegiate 数学ematics will be targeted at in service teachers at regional 机构. This program was developed at the request of several Southwest Virginia school systems 那 are funding a cohort of teachers willing to 参与项目.


理事会采取的行动:      批准.


2.    新 Course – Department of 数学ematics

a.    数学 5450 – Advanced Topics in Graph 的ory


   行动 立法会通过:   批准


3.    新 Course – Center for Appalachian Studies and Services

a.    APST 5150 – Seminar in Appalachia and Religion (3 CH)

b.    APST 5337 – Appalachian, Scottish, and Irish Studies in Scotland (3 CH)

c.    APST 5567 – Scottish Ethnology (3 CH)


      行动 立法会通过:      批准


4.    新 Course – Department of Sociology & 人类学

a.    SOAA 5567 – Scottish Ethnology (3 CH)


理事会采取的行动:      批准


5.    社会 工作课程修订

的 curriculum elective is being moved from the foundation year into the clinical concentration year and the psychopathology course is being moved from the concentration year into the foundation year. 的 reason this change is being made is so the elective is used to support the clinical concentration content and thereby enrich the concentration curriculum. 的 psychopathology course is being moved into the foundation year so 那 students will have the course content from psychopathology before they take the clinical course content in the concentration year. 我们的认证机构 representative, Commissioner Shank, 推荐 this change in our curriculum in 那 electives taught in our curriculum should be used to support our concentration curriculum and psychopathology underpins or supports the concentration year clinical treatment courses.


                  行动 立法会通过:      批准


6.    新 Course – Department of Communication

a.    SPCH 5200 – Gender and Communication (3 CH)


理事会采取的行动:      批准


7.    新 Course - 大学 of Education

a.    读 5961 – Storytelling Capstone Project (Non-



                  行动 立法会通过:      批准


8.    公共 and Allied Health – Change in course number to dual listed course number.

a.    cdi 4010 – Changed to cdi 5017 –Speech/Hearing Sciences I (4 CH)

b.    cdi 4020 – Change to cdi 5027 – Speech/hearing Sciences II (4 CH)


理事会采取的行动:      批准



3. 旧的业务


A.  差 Graduate Studies 论文/论文/顶点 奖励计划-博士. McIntosh informed the Council 那 she has distributed email notification and nomination information to all 差 研究生 faculty as 应理事会要求.  她有 already received two nominations.  她 已接近完成 列一张清单 研究生 faculty members who are willing to serve on one of the five different subcommittees and the list will be sent to Council members when completed.


B.  差 School of Graduate Studies Research Grants – Dr. 麦金托什说她 有 revised the grant plan to reflect increased dollar figures (up to $500) and to indicate there 将 be up to eight grants. 她 has not finished this project as the grants will not be 可用 until next year and her primary focus has been on the 论文/论文/顶点 奖励计划. 


IV.   新业务


A.        研究生数据库 – Dr. Powers-Beck provided a demonstration of the MPH 研究生 student database 那 he has been working on for Dr. 贝丝·霍根,公共卫生部.  He explained 那 the Graduate School will make this 可用 to all 研究生 programs if they wish to use it. 个人 database development and information will reside in the home departments.


B.        研究生课程 网上申请-博士. Powers-Beck

informed Council members 那 within the next 几个星期

there 将 be a 新 on-line application for 研究生

入学.  的 新 on-line form may take students a little longer to complete but will provide a more professional look as well as greater options and more information to the student and the 大学.  It will allow for auto credit card payment as well which the School of Graduate Studies does not have at this time. It will also include a check-box for students requesting consideration for 研究生 assistantships and/or tuition scholarships.


C.        尾注 软件-博士. 麦金托什解释说 尾注

软件 item was being provided as an information item.  It is 可用 at the 她rrod Library and is a bibliographic 管理软件称为 尾注,  那 is now 可用 on site license.  尾注 software has been loaded on the 差 server and is 可用  供您下载和使用 差服务器之一.  这个引用 management software is for the use of 差 faculty, staff and 研究生 students 只有.


D.        托福考试 研究-博士. Powers-Beck explained to Council members

那 ETS is coming out with a 新 Internet Based 托福考试 in the

秋天, and they’ve completed their first field tests of the

新 托福考试 in comparison with the Computer-Based Test and

基于纸张的 测试. Dr. Powers-Beck proposed 那 the 新

得分 standards be included in this year’s 研究生

目录. A score of 79 将 be the range comparison 那

将 equate to a 基于计算机的 total of 213 or a paper-

基于550年 差目前 作为托福成绩.


      理事会采取的行动:  批准下一个

  year’s 目录 based upon a review of the 互联网

  base-托福考试 scores for consistency with 基于计算机的




          V.      下次会议


的 next two meetings of the Graduate Council are scheduled in the recently renovated President’s Conference Room, second Floor, Dossett大厅, 1:15 p.m. 请 mark your calendars to reflect this change in meeting rooms for March 28m 2995 和2005年4月25日.


  VI.   休会


       的 meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.





