President’s Conference Room, Dossett 206


礼物: Dr. 杰弗里·贝克女士. 布朗女王博士. 威廉R. 邓肯博士. 韦恩·吉莱斯皮博士. Donald B. 胡佛,女士. 比利·兰开斯特博士. Lori J. 是,博士. 玛莎·米. 指针,博士. 凯瑟琳·米. 雷曼,

Dr. 玛丽·特德斯科博士. 保罗·特罗根博士. 乔恩·韦伯女士. 蕾娜威廉姆斯


缺席: Dr. 大卫. 阿诺尔(请原谅). 艾米·阿诺德博士(请辞). 史黛西D. 布朗(原谅),

Dr. 野生动物N. Chakraborty博士(请原谅). Scott W. Champney女士(请原谅). 玛丽亚D. 哥,

Dr. 华莱士E. 迪克森博士(请原谅). 海琳K. Halvorson,博士. 埃斯特·范霍夫塞克(请原谅):

Ms. 凯特琳T. (辞职). 拉多娜·哈钦斯女士. 玛丽·艾伦


客人: Dr. 菲尔普费弗


Dr. Scott Champney was not present, therefore, the council Dr. 贝克请医生. 保罗·特罗根主持会议.




The minutes for October 26, 2009 were approved with no corrections.

Curriculum Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. 玛莎指针:


ENGL 5850, Studies in Modern Drama – New Course Proposal:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 2895

The graduate program in English currently does not have a modern drama course offering. The proposal fulfills a request by students and faculty.


The subcommittee recommends approval of the new course with the following suggestion:


A. Add the word “modern” before drama in the first sentence of the Rationale for Proposal.

B. List only the faculty in he Staffing section.

C. Hyphenate “graduate-level” in the last bullet of the Purpose and Goals section of the Syllabus.

D. Re-word the Learning Outcomes so that they begin with “have” or “have the ability to.” Make some of the verbs past tense as necessary to improve the meaning of the phrases.

E. Replace or remove the word “quickly” in the first sentence of the “Take Home Exam.

F. Re-word the last sentence in the first paragraph of the Other Information” along the lines of “Each student will present an evaluation on one work….”


理事会采取的行动:批准 with recommendations


M.A. in Clinical Psychology – Substantive Curriculum Revision:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_8&FormID = 11&实例= 3389



Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology – Substantive Curriculum Revision:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_8&FormID = 11&实例= 3390




PSYC 5910, Clinical Psychology Clerkship – Substantial Course Modification:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_3&FormID = 10&实例= 2755



PSYC 7980, Pre-Doctoral Internship – Substantial Course Modification:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_3&FormID = 10&实例= 3476



PSYC 7910, Clinical Externship – Substantial Course Modification:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_3&FormID = 10&实例= 2816




PSYC 7010, Clinical Psychology Practicum – New Course Proposal:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 2751



PSYC 5017, History and Systems of Psychology – New Course Proposal:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 3068




PSYC 5018, Topical Seminar in History and Systems – New Course Proposal:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 2753




 Master of Science 计算机与信息科学专业 with a concentration in Information Technology – Non-Substantive Curriculum Change


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_6&FormID = 17&实例= 2690


This proposal removes the course CSCI 5360, 网络和系统管理, from a required course in the concentration and replaces it with the new course CSCI 5730, 企业信息系统. The change has been recommended by the department’s Board of Advisors and the employers of the department’s graduates.


The subcommittee recommends approval of the new course with the following suggestion:


Add “Computer and Information Sciences” before the word “field” in the first sentence of the Rationale for Proposal.


理事会采取的行动:批准 with recommendations


CSCI 5730, 企业信息系统 – New Course Proposal:

http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 2669


This new course replaces an existing course in the Information Technology concentration of the M.A. 计算机与信息科学专业.


The subcommittee recommends approval of the new course with the following suggestion:


A. In the sections Equipment and Facilities replace the wording with the word “Adequate.”

B. Capitalize the first words in the list of Goals on the Syllabus.


理事会采取的行动:批准 with recommendations


CSCI 5617, XML for Programmers – New Course Proposal:


http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_1&FormID = 6&实例= 3314


The department currently does not have a course in XML, which is a popular tool in enterprise resource planning.


The subcommittee recommends approval of the new course with the following suggestion:


A. Add a colon after the first line of the Learning Outcomes.

B. Capitalize the first words in the list of Learning Outcomes.

C. Divide the Major Assignments into Graduate and Undergraduate sections. (只定义了研究生部分.)

D. Add a colon at the end of the first sentence in the Major Assignments (in both the undergraduate and graduate sections).

E. Capitalize the first words in the list of Major Assignments (in both the undergraduate and graduate sections).

F. In the third bullet of the graduate section of the Major Assignments, be more specific as to how the assignments will be more stringent.

G. 在分级表中, a “C-“in the undergraduate section appears to equate to a “C” in the graduate section. 这对吗??

H. 考勤制度, 在处理电子邮件的部分, include a sentence stating that students are responsible for checking their official university e-mail account.


理事会采取的行动:批准 with recommendations


Master of Arts in Liberal Studies – Change in Admission Requirements:

http://差is.差.edu/CPS/forms.aspx?DispType = outputform&NodeID = 5 _4a_8&FormID = 11&实例= 3385

The MALS program proposes a change in admission requirements by increasing the acceptable undergraduate grade point average from 2.5 to 2.75分,并要求提供写作样本.


The subcommittee recommends approval of the new course with the following suggestion:


A. Change the period following Kathryn Hayes in the first sentence of the proposal to a comma.

B. Begin the second sentence with the word “The.”

C. Insert a parenthesis after “psychology” on the third page, the first full paragraph.

D. Re-work or omit the tables at the end of the proposal. Perhaps a discussion of the information in the first two charts would be appropriate.


理事会采取的行动:批准 with recommendations


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and recommendations – Dr. 达利奥:







申请人 部门 建议




利文斯顿,詹姆斯理工大学.& 测绘学临时


Ungar, Peter Geological Sciences Temporary







申请人 部门 现状 建议




Stoots, Michael Public Health Associate Affiliate


特纳,克雷格·Mgmt.&市场. 准会员


韦伯. Jon PSYC准会员






Dr. Wayne Gillespie stated the award selection committee will need to meet in the two next weeks. The deadline is December 1, 2009, and only two or three application has been received. Emails have been sent to students, graduate coordinators, and Dr. McIntosh sent the announcement to the chairs and deans. There is award money for eight graduate students.







 There was no further business to conduct; therefore, the meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.