Graduate Council – Minutes

East Tennessee State University

May 23, 2011 1:15pm

President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


Present:  Dr. Jeffrey P. Beck, Dr. Ranjan N. Chakraborty, Dr. Scott W. Champney,

Dr. Eric S. Glover, Mr. Thaddeus H. Jablonski, Dr. Cecilia A. McIntosh, Dr. Martha M. Pointer, Dr. Kathleen M. Rayman, Dr. Marie Tedesco, Dr. Ester L. Verhovsek, Dr. Jon Webb


Absent:  Dr. David A. Arnall, Ms. Amy J. Arnold, Ms. Queen H. E. Brown, Dr. Stacy D. Brown, Ms. Maria D. Costa, Dr. William R. Duncan, Dr. Donald B. Hoover,

Ms. LaDonna Hutchins, Dr. Jeffrey R. Knisley, Ms. Billie Lancaster, Ms. Mary Ellen Musick, Dr. Lori J. Marks, Dr. Paul C. Trogen


Approval of April 2011 minutes:




I.                   Curriculum Subcommittee report – Dr. Martha Pointer:


            Termination of a Concentration –

            环境卫生理学硕士,行政管理 Concentration.


            This termination removes the 行政集中,只剩下专家集中. This 是否回应CEPH认证机构的意见,认为没有重大意义 两种浓度的差异,如目前书面和建议 that one concentration be terminated.




A.        On 在表格封面,将联系信息更改为博士. Bert Bach.

            B.         On 在表格封面上,正式学位中的“集中”一词大写 Abbreviation.

C.        On 在“总和”表格中,查看课程时数的增加情况.

D.        In the Impact section, delete the first sentence.

E.         In 影响部分,包括当前学生必须完成的日期 完成行政专业的课程.  Also, include a statement regarding informing students of the deadline.

F.         In 项目变更表的第6项,包括学生将被更改的声明 被告知完成行政集中的截止日期.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


New Course Proposal – PUBH 5480, Genetic Epidemiology:


This proposal 提出了一个新的课程,提出了问题和考虑 遗传学和流行病学的整合,因为它适用于公共卫生.




A.        In 课程描述,去掉第一句话.

B.         In part Contact Information for Similar 课程,包括引用电子邮件(您将获得),说明 新开设的课程与生物系开设的课程不同 or the College of Medicine.

C         In the Purpose and goals section, 删去前两句,第三句以“目的”开头 of this course is ….”

D.        In 目的和目标部分,把第四句移到目标部分, 添加课程目标,去掉“远大目标”和“。 “Ultimate goal.”  The goals should align 学习成果将在下面的部分中列出.

E.         In 在主要作业部分,去掉ETSU前的“the”.

F.         In 主要作业部分,将补考分开.

G.        In the Other Information, change “Student” to ”Students.”

H.        In 其他信息,更改参考学生手册并替换 it with the Graduate Catalog.

I.          Check for the latest version of the Koenig text; there appears to be a 2010 edition.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


Non-Substantive Curriculum Change – Master of Education, Secondary Education:


The proposal discusses change in 语言为入学标准,使国际申请者具备教学能力 在其本国的证书也可以考虑入学 U.S. 从事不需要专业执照的教育工作的公民 (k-12). (For M.Ed. 改变招生草案的变化以及它将如何变化 appear in the catalog,  see edited text at end of agenda.)




            A.        In 删除快照第二页的叙述性动作描述 “强调”这个词在两个地方的大写.

            The proposal revises the admission 适用于国际学生或外国学生的标准 non-education undergraduate majors.

            B. Revise the Rationale For 建议将这两个群体包括在内 修改,并举例提及师范学校和文凭 designations.  Also, eliminate the last sentence in the section.

            C.        Capitalize 对“从课程清单中删除ETSU课程列表”的回复.”

            D.        Re-word “以粗体插入建议的课程修订内容” “program of studies” to “programs of study.”

            E.         In “以黑体字插入课程修订建议及更改”部分,更改 “major” to “area.”

            F.         Revise “以粗体插入建议的课程修订”以反映 changes made in the Rationale for Proposal.

G.        Correct 格式在最后插入建议的课程修订与 changes in bold”


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


Non-Substantive Curriculum Change –

Master of Education, School Library Concentration


This proposal changes the admission standards for the concentration. This will take care of the question of formula 在2011年秋季GRE成绩改变并更新录取时使用 requirement accordingly.


The Subcommittee recommends approval with the following changes:


A.        Change the “Major Name” to Master of Education.”

B.         Change the Major Code to “M.Ed.”

C.        Place a semicolon after “Therefore” in the Rationale for Proposal” section.

D.        Correct 现有项目入学要求,第2条.

E.         In 建议入学条件,加粗已更改的项目.

F.         In 建议的入学要求,在GRE项目后插入“(一般)” 1.


Action taken by council:  approved with changes


II.                Graduate 教授小组委员会报告及建议-博士. Tedesco. 


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report*


May 2011


New Applications


            Applicant                                Department                            Recommendation


  1. Anastasia, Lynda                      SOWK                                                Affiliate            
  2. Cockerham, Steve                    HDAL                                      Affiliate
  3. Elgazzar, Mohammed               Internal Medicine                       Member
  4. Graves, Jesse                           English                          Member
  5. King, Karen                             Allied Health                             Affiliate
  6. Seek, Michael                          Engineer Tech.              Member





Applicant                        Department                        Present Status            Recommendation


1.   Hathaway, Michelle                 SOWK                   Temp.                          Affiliate

2.   Hilton, John                             Art                          Temp.                          Affiliate


III.             Other Reports

A.                          Report on Credit Hour Definition committee – Dr. Champney presented an update on 学时定义工作小组的进展情况.  He will present the final version once it is approved through Academic Council.


B.                          Report on Academic Honesty/Integrity task force – Dr. Hoover. In Dr. Hoover’s absence, Dr. Verhovsek(他也是这个委员会的成员)报告说 小组委员会是否在收集其他大学的信息 关于学生和教师的教育以及政策和 procedures.  This committee is scheduled to meet again in June.


C.                          Report on University Research Advisory Committee – Dr. Champney informed the Council 该咨询委员会负责向 支持、扩大和加强整个校园的奖学金(研究、服务、 creative activities).  He also summarized 正在形成讨论和建议,以发展数据库进行跟踪 生产力,促进跨学科研究,发展战略 伙伴关系,促进学生和博士后研究. Recommendations 会提交策略规划委员会审批.  Dr. McIntosh also serves on this committee. Dr. Tedesco asked Drs. Champney和McIntosh确保委员会包括 consideration of research in the humanities.  Dr. 麦金托什说,这是讨论过的,并列入了 report.


IV. Old Business


A.     竞争性夏季研究奖学金的建议 Dr. McIntosh asked that this be tabled.  She is locking down a funding resource for these.  Once funding is firm, she will revise the 白皮书/建议书,并交回立法会.


V. New Business

1)      Report on Add-on Fellowships.  Dr. McIntosh reported that two more awards will be made for fall 2011.  Several 研究生委员会成员审查了提名并推荐了以下人选 获奖新人:杰奎琳·谢尔顿(Jacqueline Shelton.A. History program and Kristi Sanborn-Miller in the Ph.D. Nursing program.  Dr. McIntosh noted that donations must 增加以保持该计划的可行性,并要求理事会成员鼓励教师 在他们的大学考虑适度的贡献通过工资扣除.

VI.       Other

                    1) Summer Grad Faculty recommendations – 委员会同意对研究生院的申请进行投票 summer via email vote.

        2)  The next Graduate Council meeting will be August 29, 2011.

VII.    Adjournment