


President’s Conference Room – Dossett Hall 206


礼物:  Dr. 大卫. 阿尔诺,博士. 卡琳Bartoszuk, Dr. Jeffrey P. 贝克女士. 女王H. 布朗博士. 史黛西D. 布朗博士. 野生动物N. Chakraborty,博士. Scott W. Champney,博士. 威廉R. 邓肯博士. 沼泽 他还,  Dr. 唐纳德 B. 胡佛,博士. 玛丽 琼斯博士. 塞西莉亚一. 麦金托什,博士. 玛莎·米. 指针,博士. 玛丽·特德斯科博士. 酯L. Verhovsek,奥. 洛根维斯


缺席:  Dr. 罗素 布朗女士. 玛丽亚D. 科斯塔博士. 艾美特米. Essin,博士. Eric年代. 格洛弗,女士. LaDonna 哈钦斯,博士. 杰夫R. 尼斯,女士. 比利·兰开斯特博士. 凯瑟琳·米. 雷曼, Dr. 洛里·马克斯女士. 科琳•斯科特


客人:  Dr. 莱斯利 麦卡利斯特,博士. 李·丹尼尔斯先生. 克里斯·艾尔斯


3月批准 2012分钟:


The March 26, 2012 minutes were 通过与out 修正.




Dr. Champney was voted to be chair for 2012-2013 academic years.


课程 小组委员会报告-  Dr. 玛莎指针


下面的每一个建议都是 considered using the following characteristics as an element of the 建议是否适当:


适当的学时 赋值

适当的 discipline-specific best practices

适当的目的及 提案的目标

适当的 知识/学习成果

适当的内容和 主题

合适的专业 作业



合适的课程 交货方法

与他人冲突 课程或项目

衔接性和可转移性 贷款给其他机构


新 Course Proposal – SOCI 5640, Collective 行为和社会运动


            本课程将增加一个 graduate-level (non 4/5XX7) elective to M.A. 在社会学课程中.  It focuses on two sub-fields in Sociology.

            小组委员会建议 approval with the following editorial changes:


            A.        In the Purpose and Goals section, change the “&最后一个子弹里的" to "和".

            B.        In the Learning Outcomes, remove the period at the end of the first bullet.

C.        In Major Assignments, insert “each” after “Two papers.”

D.        In Other Information, include a statement about academic mis行为.

E.         推荐 adding the first sentence of the Purpose and Goals to the Catalog Description.

F.         In Major Assignments sections, change the “I” to “the instructor.”


行动 议会通过:  通过与 建议更改


 新 Course Proposal – CUAI 5858, Supervised Field Mentoring


本课程为学生提供 the required field experience for individuals seeking initial licensure through 过渡路线.


The committee recommended approval with the following editorial changes:


A.        In the Snapshot, insert a comma between the names of the two professors who are listed as qualified to teach the course.

B.        In the Attendance Policy, please include any penalties for nonattendance.

C.        重述 the Course Cost so that the information is in parallel construction by placing 括号里是2200美元左右.


行动 议会通过:  通过与 建议更改



            叫嚷 课程 Change – Educational Communication and 科技nology concentration of M.Ed.


This proposal changes the admission requirements in the program so that admission decisions will be based on a more 完整的信息集.


小组委员会建议 approval with the following changes:


A.        组织重写 the Rationale to reflect the change spelled out in the Program Admission 需求.

B.        In the Program Admission 需求, use bullets to list the requirements of

·         最少3个.0本科绩点 平均4分.0 scale (if the grade point average is less than 3.0,申请人 with exceptional GRE scores may be considered),

·         一份专业的简历

·         three professional letters of reference.


行动 议会通过:  通过与 建议更改



            实质性的 课程 Modification – Master of Arts in Kinesiology and Sport Studies with concentrations in Sport Management and in Exercise Physiology and Performance.


            This proposal updates the curriculum to include current trends in the field.


            小组委员会建议 approval with the following editorial changes:


            A.        In the Snapshot, correct the Title of 行动 by adding or removing parenthesis and including capital letters where necessary.

            B.        In the Narrative Description of 行动 in the Snapshot, capitalize the word “design” in the name of the course.

            C.        In the Purpose section, capitalize the word “design” in the title of the course, and capitalize the Sports Management concentration name.

            D.        In the Impact section, insert a line after the quote from NASPE.

E.         In the Plans for Accreditation, insert “Currently there is no well-established, widely used accrediting agency for this program.  In the future, the program may seek 认证.

F.         In 第4部分,放“见附件1”.在另一条线上.

G.        In part 7, move the N/A to the next line.

H.        In part 8, begin your answer on a separate line, and insert “thereby” between “改进”和“遵守”.”


行动 议会通过:  通过与 建议更改



Graduate Faculty Subcommittee report and 建议-博士. 特斯科


Graduate Faculty Subcommittee Report

4月  2012




            申请人                               部门                            建议


1.      大厅, 珍妮花                                 生物医学 Sci.                       下属




申请人              部门                     现状            建议


  1. 博伊德 约翰                  ELPA              临时                   下属
  2. 菲茨杰拉德, 马蒂        英格. 科技.       联系                     交回填写表格.
  3. 植物, 威廉             ELPA              临时                   成员
  4. 好, 唐纳德             ELPA              联系                     成员
  5. 格里高利,理查德        经济学. & 金融         联系         交回填写表格.
  6. 黑尔斯, 辛西娅                        HDAL             临时                                    下属
  7. Kumar Dhirenda        医学杂志                          完整的                              成员
  8. 税, 福斯特                医学杂志                          完整的                              成员*
  9. 迈耶, 洛丽·特纳       CUAI                          联系                     成员
  10. 特, 简           CUAI                          联系                     附属* *
  11. 奈文, 瑞安              CUAI                          临时                                    成员
  12. 史密斯, 辛西娅            ELPA                          临时                   下属
  13. Trumbley, 沙龙        孕育                         临时                   下属
  14. Yavas, Ugar                管理/ MKGT           完整的                              高级


*Pending reception of complete form from graduate school, as part of another application was scanned with Levy’s application.


* *退休后的应用程序.




首先,博士. 卡琳Bartoszuk reported on the Graduate Studies Award Ceremony held 4月 25, 2012 at the D. P. 选礼堂.  Dr. 布莱恩·诺兰 Dr. 伯特·巴赫博士. Wilsie Bishop were speakers for the event and Dr. 诺兰 presented the awards to the recipients.  There were nineteen Quillen Scholarships, fifteen Research Grant Awards, Outstanding Dissertation, Outstanding Thesis in Arts and Humanities, Outstanding 教育论文 & Social Science, Outstanding Thesis in Math, Science, and 科技nology, Outstanding Capstone, Service Project that Enhance the Public 好, Excellence in Teaching (Assistant and 联系), and Graduate Education Day at the Legislative Plaza special appreciation award.  Also, the departments were invited to present their awards at the ceremony which included the Dept. 历史、化学、 Political Science, Psychology, Military Science and Accountancy.  Overall, the award ceremony was a success in number of recipients and participation.  A reception followed the awards for socializing and refreshments while group 照片是由Mr. 吉姆Slagle.


第二,博士. 塞西莉亚麦金托什 reported on the status of the thesis/dissertation Boot Camp.  The information regarding the boot camp will be posted to the Graduate Studies website.  The members of the boot camp development team are: Dr. 玛丽·琼斯博士. 罗素·布朗博士. 约翰·泰勒先生. 罗伯特·罗素博士. 玛丽·特德斯科博士. 凯瑟琳·雷曼博士. 弗吉尼娅·福利和弗吉尼博士. 麦金托什.  The dates, workshop 主题, and prices have 确定.  广告计划是 for emails to go to graduate coordinators, graduate students, and college 院长. Administrative logistics still need to be worked out. 新兵训练营会 meet on Friday evening and all day Saturday at least four times during the 学期.  图书馆里的一个房间将会是 set up during the 学期 and lunch will be served.  An update will be provided at the next 理事会会议.




Dr. 玛莎指针提到过 several curriculum proposals will be ready to be reviewed and if the council could possibly meet during the summer.  The members agreed to meet June 25, 2012.


其他:  没有一个




没有别的事可谈了 行为.   因此,会议是 下午二时休庭.m.